PJ Jackson

  • Client: PJ Jackson
  • Tasks: Client Analysis and Brand Building
  • Website: PJ Jackson
  • Analyzed PJ Jackson’s client base to identify her ideal clients, understand her client’s needs, and how her products and services meet those needs.
  • Conducted a market segmentation to understand her target segment’s needs and tailor the marketing mix to deliver what her client values.
  • Results: By utilizing the client analysis, PJ successfully captured the attention of her target audience and created a desire for them to experience her books and coaching services.
"I took Minerva's advice and adjusted my website; the shift in my focus has really worked for me. My audiobook is in the final phase to launch within 30 days on Audible! AND I was interviewed by Ora Nadrich. I have gained two new one-on-one clients, spoke at Morgan State University, AND have three corporate proposals in the works for 2021!"
PJ Jackson
CEO and Founder