As a tech founder, public speaking is an essential skill. Whether you’re pitching to investors, motivating your team, presenting at conferences, or promoting your product, your ability to articulate your…
Tag: Present Ideas Effectively
Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking: A Guide for Senior Managers
Public speaking is often ranked as one of the most common fears, and it doesn’t discriminate by position. Even as senior managers, many of us face anxiety when speaking in…
Mana Tech Speed Dating
As a panel judge, I will oversee the technology founders work on their self-story presentation (Wow! Statement) and speed pitches alongside industry experts.
Effective Presentations for Diplomats
In the world of diplomacy, effective communication is crucial. Diplomats are often required to engage with diverse audiences, mediate conflicts, and promote their home country’s interests. The ability to deliver compelling presentations…
Secrets to a Stellar Presentation
Some people find presenting in front of their audience at a conference daunting. However, with proper preparation, you can deliver an unforgettable, unique presentation. The following are ways in which…
Actionable Steps to Effectively Deliver Your Message
It is important to communicate effectively to ensure you convey your message in a way your audience will understand. You must effectively present your product, service, or company message with…