Mana Tech Speed Dating

Mana Tech 21 SE 1st Ave., Miami, FL, United States

As a panel judge, I will oversee the technology founders work on their self-story presentation (Wow! Statement) and speed pitches alongside industry experts.

Mana Tech Demo Day

Mana Tech 21 SE 1st Ave., Miami, FL, United States

The Be a More Confident Speaker is an interactive in-person or online training program to help tech innovators create an impact by boosting their speaking presence and presenting a powerful delivery to captivate their audience's attention.

Entrepreneurial Spirit to Launch a Sustainable Company

Hyatt Regency Hotel 50 Alhambra Plaza, Coral Gables, FL, United States

Minerva Salles will talk about her cultural experiences that ignited her creativity and entrepreneurial spirit to launch her sustainable company.
